Tuesday 11 February 2014

Abbott kills Toyota

This is the most intellectually baren gov I've ever had the misfortune to be under. In less than six months they have let the automobile manufacturing industry die. In less than six months, under Abbott's gov, they have destroyed the prospect of three car makers, company managements, and thousands of working men and women who will find themselves out of work. I've never seen anything like this stupidity.

And for what? Abbott's extremist far right ideology that apparently he's imported from overseas. His policies of abandonment are certainly foreign to Australia. And what's his justification for these polices? Blame the bloody workers for getting paid too much, say it wasn't his fault, that the gov's job is to stay out of it. Did people fuckin realised when they voted for him that he was crapping on like a Republican in Teabagistan? We laugh at those crazy republicans here in Oz, they're completely nuts. Alas it appears Abbott loves them. A position completely unrepresentative of the Australian population.

There will be enormous anger across the country over this. Huge, grass roots anger at a gov that has abandoned them.

From the AMWU:  
AMWU National Vehicles Secretary Dave Smith said the decision would cost thousands of jobs, not only at Toyota but all the way down the supply chain. 

“The magnitude of this decision in the community cannot be underestimated," Mr Smith said. 

“We are looking at a potential recession all along the south-eastern seaboard. 

“The government’s lack of support for manufacturing workers and the communities they support is contrary to the national interest, will harm our economy and devastate communities. 

“But today we are most concerned about our members and all workers at Toyota – men and women who have to go home to their families with uncertain employment futures. 

“These are highly skilled and loyal workers – but we know now there is no future in the Australian auto industry because the Coalition has turned their back on workers. 

“The government is chasing important and viable operations out of Australia. These are serious injections of foreign capital which we are waving goodbye to across the manufacturing sector. 

“These effects will be felt in road transport, container shipping and all of the services that keep Australian-made cars on the road. more 

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