The so called "open gov" of Mad Morrison hasn't released the findings of the Religious Freedom Review since it was released to the gov itself in May. However the review has been leaked, and so once again with this "open" gov we rely on the free press to enlighten us about it's shenanigans.
Well the review isn't good. I'll put it into 2 simple quotes from the article why it's completely unfair to the LGBT community.
Firstly, the review suggests giving the right of religious schools to expel a student on the basis of their sexuality:
The report calls for the federal Sex Discrimination Act to be amended to allow religious schools to discriminate against students on the basis of sexual orientation, gender identity or relationship status - something some but not all states already allow.Since when have religious institutions given a flying fuck about gay young people's mental health?
“There is a wide variety of religious schools in Australia and ... to some school communities, cultivating an environment and ethos which conforms to their religious beliefs is of paramount importance,” the report noted.
“To the extent that this can be done in the context of appropriate safeguards for the rights and mental health of the child, the panel accepts their right to select, or preference, students who uphold the religious convictions of that school community.” Sydney Morning Herald
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However it did recommend the government amend the Racial Discrimination Act or create a new Religious Discrimination Act, which would make it illegal to discriminate on the basis of a person’s religious belief or lack thereof.I rest my case. They want to make it legal to discriminate against LGBT people on the basis of their sexuality in religious schools, but make it illegal to discriminate against someone proselytising at a secular workplace or in secular society generally. How bloody unfair is that! What an unacceptable intrusion of the church into the lives of secular Australians who have every right to be free from religion in their daily lives.
The panel said it had heard a broad range of concerns about people’s ability to “manifest their faith publicly without suffering discrimination”.
This included wearing religious symbols and dress at school or work, communicating views based on religious understandings, obtaining goods and services and engaging in public life without fear of discrimination.
The report also recommends federal legislation “to make it clear” that religious schools cannot be forced to lease their facilities for a same-sex marriage, as long as the refusal is made in the name of religious doctrine. Sydney Morning Herald
The Greens have a petition going against it all which you can sign here.
The Greens have already come out strongly against the recommendations.
“Last year in the marriage equality postal survey Australians voted for equality for LGBTIQ+ Australians, not for more discrimination,” Greens LGBTIQ spokesperson Senator Janet Rice said.
“The Ruddock review recommendations to change our laws to allow religious schools to expel students on the basis of who they are or who they love at a time when they are already vulnerable is unacceptable.”
“The Greens support the right of people to practice religion, but that should not come at the expense of the human rights of LGBTIQ+ people.” Junkee
Legislated #homophobia is not #religiousfreedom because true religious freedom is the freedom not to discriminate #Auspol #LGBT— Fr Rod Bower (@FrBower) October 10, 2018
I will move a notice of motion in the Senate Monday calling for any private school that discriminates against a teacher or student on sexuality grounds be stripped of all government funds and charity status.— Derryn Hinch (@HumanHeadline) October 10, 2018
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