Friday 7 October 2011


Daughter took a lovely picture of the cat with her iphone and gave it to me.

It's in the little sun room next to my bedroom. I like the way the light is in it. 

Haven't had a very pleasant time of it lately. Gone into a bit of depression and don't like the feeling of that. Simon though is coming to rescue me again. How nice. Think he's quite concerned about how I've been and wants to come and "sort me out". That sounds exciting. Nothing like being sorted out. Being as I'm not able these days to organise my way out of a wet paper bag, it's probably a good idea. Perhaps he's got some money saving tips for the impending apocalypse.

Sick today, had to stay home from work. Going to get a doctors cert later this afternoon. This is the first sickie though since those 2 days in August before I started the 3 day week. I've even got enough sick pay to almost cover it, *faints* Apart from the antibiotics making me tired as hell, I tend to get diarrhea from them off and on too. And I was feeling low when I woke up, just couldn't face the day. 

The nose Slime is reducing a lot, but it's not gone. Can't seem to get rid of this, has been going on now since those 2 sick days in August: a month and a half ago. Either my body is really struggling with it, or it's a particularly stubborn bug. Or both. Glad I've got that earlier appt with the HIV doc on Tuesday. Although I'm double booked and there wont be a lot of time (it's only to go in and discuss the letter for my Superannuation money he needs to write for me) I may ask him to get some blood taken for tests and the results will be there for my regular appt later this month. 

Am very worried about this bout of sickness. Six weeks is a long time to go being sick like this. I do understand the logic in not starting medication when my CD4 count is so high, but at the same time I'm finding it very hard living with this level of illness. Think I'll be telling him that I'm very much leaning towards the idea of medication now. Particularly with the next 2 months or so going through the stress of the apocalypse, I don't want to have to be worried about what that stress might be doing to the HIV viral load.

Sister Debby rang couple of nights ago. Asking if I wanted to see my other Bible bashing sister from New Zealand. Her and her husband will be in Sydney for a few days and it would just be a meal out with them, Debbie and her husband, and me. Maybe my daughter too if she wants to go. And both their daughters. In Newtown, not too far from here. Have decided to go. Also have decided not to create a scene of any kind if the conversation gets, um, annoying

Also, and I'll let Debby know, I don't want to disclose my status to them. I told Debby a while back I was positive, but my other sister is having enough trouble dealing with the fact that I like men, let alone telling her I have HIV. Fuck, she'd probably need an emergency valium or some shit. Get out the cross and start preaching. Lately I've found disclosure is getting easier and easier, but not in this case. Not even going to go there. It'd end up going right around all the family, relo's, friends, back in New Zealand, without me being there to explain anything.

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