Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Defence forces will march in full uniform

I hadn't realised, but until now those in the Australian Defence Force weren't allowed to march in the Mardi Gras parade in uniform. Now this year they'll be able to do so.

Private Anthony Wilson, Lieutenant Joshua Maher and Leading Aircraftwoman Andrea Pearce. Photo: John McRae 

They have been marching in the Mardi Gras Parade since 2008 but this year, for the first time, openly gay personnel from the Australian Defence Force will take part in the procession in full uniform – a move that will only have positive outcomes.  

Having twice marched in the Mardi Gras Parade, this year’s event will bear special significant for Lieutenant Joshua Maher. For the first time, the 22-year-old Maritime Warfare Officer will be able to march down Oxford and Flinders Streets in full naval garb. 

“Both times, the experiences were incredibly overwhelming,” he tells SX. “Last year, I got to do it with one of my really good friends. She had also come out, so the two of us, we had an absolute blast – the parade was too short.” 

But this year, he expects the procession, and their reception, to be a little different. 
“It’s incredible,” he says. “It’s such an achievement for us now to be able to do it in uniform.” more
This has to send a strong message of support and inclusion for gays, particularly those who're young and struggling with their sexuality. Gays have been allowed in the defence forces since the 1990's, can't believe it took so long to get the OK to march in full uniform. This also includes people like the police, fire fighters, and surf life savers.

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