Monday, 11 February 2013

Snot report

Ack, I feel like shit. I have semi-yellow slime coming out of my nose and throat. My head feels like play dough. Hot, then cold, then hot. Although I do have rather a deep sexy voice now, all croaky. Suppose one must look at the bright side.

Thank you bus passengers who weren't considerate enough to cover your face when letting out an enormous sneeze on enclosed air conditioned buses. I wonder if they realise who they might be infecting on the buses when they do that? They might think twice if they considered the possibility that buses carry old and sick people along with them, even people who have HIV. This is the eastern suburbs you know.

David's not well either, he was spewing up yesterday and had to come home from work. I  went round there on a mission of mercy and he didn't look well. Seemed better as the afternoon went on. I dunno how he does it getting up so early and all for work, although I did it too.

Probably just being sick the last few days, have had a bit of anxiety yesterday and this morning. Was chatting to David about it, like worrying that I don't measure up or some shit. He thought it was funny, as in absurd.

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