Wednesday, 13 February 2013

"No gays allowed" - high school prom

This is sad, but as I watched it it made me laugh. Some school in Indiana is all up in arms about the prom and that gay people are going to be allowed to go to it. *gasp*.

So the dear loving Christians are trying to organise another prom where gays won't be allowed to go. Yes darlings, just another example of religious intolerance. It's so predictable, I mean they dredge out the same old tired clichés; The Bible says...  We have to do what's right..... We love the gays but hate what they do.... *yawn*..... I do wish they'd do some research instead of just spouting bullshit.

But what made me laugh was the guy at the end, saying "Christians are always ready for a fight" (seems that turning the other cheek has gone by the wayside) but that God gives them armour only on the front and not the back

WTF? Is he afraid some gay is going to attack him from behind?


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