Monday, 11 February 2013

Gay "propaganda" - Eric Rush in the US

I don't usually bother reading much of hate rants about gays, unless I want a glimpse into somebody on the edge forever fearful that us evil gays are gonna take over the world. It can be very funny reading. This wacko thing caught my eye though, as it contains the "propaganda" word. 
Private organizations that ostensibly have the right to discriminate all they like have been placed under tremendous pressure in recent years by a militant homosexual lobby that wishes to normalize the popular perception of homosexual behavior. I am convinced that many of its “true believers” aren’t even aware they are merely pawns of the radical left, but given the latter’s tenacious modus operandi, otherwise intelligent, conscientious people have nonetheless subscribed to the prevailing propaganda proffered by an agenda-driven press and the homosexual lobby. Read more drivel
My my, I thought it was only the Russians that accused us of being propaganda? Well not so, as this is from a US citizen. Yes, the same shit that Russia is coming out with, and receiving condemnation for in the west, is now being vomited into US commentary.

Is "propaganda" the new buzzword or something? Well at least it's simply an opinion and not sanctioned by the state, as it is in Russia. But perhaps maybe the US gays giving their support to the gay brothers and sisters in Russia, may very well be surprised to see such language coming out of their own country.

Other than that it's a bloody funny piece of ranting. A touch overwritten perhaps, but that's how people who hate gays write sometimes as they want to cram as much into a sentence as possible. Let's just have a look at all the accusations he's crammed into that one little bitty paragraph:

Lobbying (that surely must be a crime?).
Wanting to normalise gay sexuality according to the popular perception.
Being pawns of the radical left (fuck knows what the "radical left" is for this bloke).
Brainwashed by gay propaganda.
Brainwashed by an agenda driven press.

Good grief. All that? I'm just loving David, showing our affection for each other. According to this bloke, in doing so I'm part of some evil militant gay propaganda lobby group of the radical left after being brainwashed by an agenda driven press and victimised by gay propaganda. 


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