Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Why do they hate us?

Well, after reading about the Mardi Gras and all the love and goodwill going around about it, it's a bit of a shock to read something out of Africa. From a Christian of course. Here he is, A Rev Ben Cooper:

Lovely smiling face, flowers behind him. Oh he looks like a fine upstanding man right? Um, well no. He's an agent of hate IMO. With all the homophobia in Africa, the last thing the place needs is some fuckwit like this getting up and crapping on.

And he has a fuckin lot to say. I'll go down the article and see what dastardly things he asserts about us gays. Firstly:

Advocacy for the introduction and legalization of gay rights and activities in Liberia is classified as total abomination as such practice is completely unbiblical and outlandish to African tradition.
 An acclaimed crusader of Christian and biblical values in the society, Rev. Ben Cooper, founder and Senior Pastor of the Leviticus Ministries rebuffed such calls and practice as detestable as it threatens to undermine the existence of human as well as the fabric of the Liberian society. more  
WTF is he implying? That gays are threatening humanity's very existence?
"My stand on the gay bill is highly negative; I do not support it because it is not biblical; it is unwelcoming in the African context, needless to talk about Liberia that is a nation established even on Christian principles. The bill is unbiblical, even the Bible speaks against the issue and its activities," he said. more
Yeah yeah yeah, bla bla... the bloody Bible again..... And of course comes the misinterpreted Bible lesson, complete with inflammatory adjectives. 
As a minister of the gospel, an ambassador and a representative of God, it is immoral for the people of Liberia to welcome such practices, he indicated, and added "though people are proffering that homosexuals have the rights to practice whatsoever they feel is good for them, God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah because of homosexuality." more
Am not going to get into Biblical quoting at all, as IMO the Bible is an outdated load of shit, mostly devoid of reality and basically telling some weirded out story about the Israelites who had some weirded out views.  But if you are interested in proper interpretation of what the Bible actually does say about gays, look here

He goes on:
"I feel that the practice is detrimental to our livelihood as a whole in this country." more
WTF? Being gay destroys a countries ability to earn money? Where did he get that from? Oh right, he felt it.....   How very Biblical. In keeping with his Biblicalness, he then continues by getting nasty. No, he's not going to just say his opinion and let it rest as in a democracy, he's going to demand his opinion be obeyed. Fuck, what a control freak man:
According to Rev. Cooper, there would be a tsunami type of demonstration that will be spearheaded by Christian churches, as a fierce protest against gay rights.

According to the pastor, church leaders will not allow the bill to be passed in the first place but call on the national legislature to be mindful and avoid giving credence what he referred to as devilish bill.
"I promise you that if the legislature should even venture to take the bill to the Plenary for discussion as means of trying to support gay bill for its passage in the House there will be a very unfriendly atmosphere emanating from the religious circle and I am going to be one of the ring leaders to speak against that", Pastor Cooper added. more
Unfriendly eh? Yep, he's so full of Christian love darlings. Well, full of shit more like it. He can after all, apparently create a tsunami with Christians at the front of the wave. Fuck, talk about delusions of grandier. So what else has he got in store for us evil gays? Looks like more unfriendliness:
"We are going to be unfriendly; we are going to be emphatic, speaking out our minds and will continue to campaign against such an immoral act as I am going to one of the ring leaders to stand out against such bill", he said.

The clergyman added that though he trust members of the legislature but when it comes to the issue of the gay bill he will continue to be unfriendly as long as people continue to support gay rights in the country.
"I am very, very unfriendly when it comes to that and I think I will be unfriendly with them when it comes to the issue of supporting gay rights in the country," the pastor emphasized. more
That's pretty unfriendly man. WTF does he think we are? Devils with horns aplenty? WTF about Christian love then? Oh yeah, it's conditional on your sexuality right? He then goes on in his power mad nutiness:
"Liberians will beat the streets and will continue to mobilize the people to be able to speak against the very gay rights so that it does not even reach the stage as has been proffered by western donors."

"When it comes to this issue, I am a direct representative of God. I speak against it because the Bible takes this particular sin to be detestable as two cities were destroyed in the Bible as evident in Genesis 19 when God destroyed the two cities because he hated the very sin of homosexuality." more
So much for the Pope then. Oh and don't forget about tsunami demonstrations in the streets.

Yes it's easy to point out an idiot like this, but you know when Christians say this BS here about loving us but hating the sin, you know exactly what they're thinking. What's in their head probably isn't too far off from what this fuckwit is spouting. When the Australian Christian Lobby refuses to contemplate equal rights for gays, making representation to the Prime Minister, when they accuse us of wanting to "destroy traditional marriage", when they say we're not normal, they're singling us out and painting us as demons.

Yes, homophobia still exists in Australia. It's the Christian church that has caused much of that. They've opposed us every step of the way. 

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