Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Submissions wanted - NSW marriage equality

GetUp will be handing all the submissions it gets sent, to the New South Wales parliament on Friday, regarding the marriage equality legislation currently being considered. This from the email:
As a resident of NSW, you have an historic opportunity to help pass legislation that would finally end marriage discrimination in our state. But the next four days are critical.

Five brave NSW Parliamentarians are reaching out across party lines to support a State Marriage Equality Bill 2013. The Bill would give same-sex couples the right to marry in NSW, recognising and honouring all love equally in law.

We’ve never been this close to equality in NSW. The legislation is written, a public inquiry period is underway, and the five state Parliamentarians – a National, a Liberal, an Independent, a Green and a member of the Labor Party – are all championing equality in their own party rooms. But to finish the job, they need your support.

The Parliamentary Inquiry into the bill closes this Friday. Can you tell the NSW Government what passing the Marriage Equality Bill would mean to you and the people in your life?

As is suggested, personal stories about how marriage equality would effect you personally are best. This was mine: 
I've recently met a guy David and we've both fallen deeply in love with each other. To the point of considering marriage at some point; something that I never thought I'd do again. I was married years ago to my wife who passed away from illness. I love David now just as much as I loved her then. The only difference is we're both male. 

David said we could just get a ring each and sort of pretend to be married with the ring on the wedding finger. However after some consideration I said I couldn't do that as I'd been married before and I know what that means. You can't just pretend. It doesn't have the same meaning without recognition by the state. I ask that you consider David and I in your vote regarding marriage equality in NSW. Love has no sexuality.

Thank you.

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