Saturday, 16 February 2013

General report

Am in a bit of pain this morning. My shoulder muscle has decided to have a hissy fit about something. Think maybe I slept on it wrong. Was sore yesterday but nothing like this. Hurts badly to turn my head, cough or sneeze. Even when I'm still, it aches. Feels like a muscle spasm again to me. Ahhhhh, the fruits of 30 years in printing...

Took some Panadol as usual, which because I've not had any for a while it seems to have dulled the pain a bit. Put on a big whack of Voltaren cream that helps too. Other than that will just have to put up with it until it improves I guess. Maybe a hot shower shortly. 

Took the last smaller happy pill today, making it a full month on the lesser dose. So I've done it! Tomorrow will be at the next stage, down to 225mg/day. It's been do-able but not particularly a walk in the park. I had that continuing nausea, quite bad some days, and have noticed a bit of flatness in my mood last couple of weeks.

Some days, whether it's been related to the pill reduction or not, have been feeling seriously off colour. Some days just no energy and sick. Perhaps it's had to do with the head cold I got? I dunno. Maybe it's been just everything mixed together in a cacophony of illness; HIV, kidneys not the best, head cold, pills, a few beers. Some days haven't even felt like a beer. *faints*

Still everything going marvellously with David and I. I have had a touch of anxiety now and then, like "Is this really happening?" Sort of a worry that something is going to fuck it all up. But it's the reverse as we seem to be getting closer all the time. The other day when he did evening shift we felt like we'd not seen each other in a week the next day.

David looking at us moving to our own place in April, as that's when the lease is up on the place he's at. It's not in his name the lease but it's a pretty bad act to walk out before the lease is up, and have the leaseholder (Tim) have to get someone else in. Especially on a place of $700 rent a week. He and Tim still argue all the time, although David has taken to not biting with Tim. When Tim's gone through a cask of red wine he's a bloody unpleasant person to be around. I'm still remaining uninvolved in their arguments, although I did have to bite my tongue yesterday. There's just no point in arguing with a drunk paranoid schizophrenic who's off his meds. Just a waste of breath and energy, not to mention the stress.

Is pouring rain in Sydney today, very heavy right now. This has been the coldest Feb I can remember here. Feb is usually the hottest and most humid month, but I've not even had the air conditioner on in the bedroom. Not complaining. I don't do well in the heat and that air conditioner can be expensive to run. As I've not been using it the last electricity bill was pretty low.

I'm off to have a hot shower and then over to David's for a while. He works tomorrow again. Might stay the night mine and have a quiet one.

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