Sunday 5 March 2017

Pauline Hanson bitches about employee penalty rates

As a factory worker of 30 years (much of that in small business) and a union member for that time, IMO if you can't compensate people for working on a Sunday then you shouldn't be in business. You can't blame the workers for your management ineptitude.

The Fair Work Commission recently decided to cut penalty rates for the lowest paid workers in the country (retail and hospitality) and despite the Lieberal gov intervening in decisions in the past, they have refused to intervene on this occasion. Leaving Australia's lowest paid workers worse off to the tune of $6,000 a year on average. It remains to be seen what the numbers for and against will be in the senate.

Pauline Hanson of One Nation, supposedly representing the hard done by battlers, has decided to support the gov on this. Here she rails against small business operators having to pay $30 or so an hour on the weekend. Chicken feed as far as I'm concerned. I used to get $28 an hour in a trade at normal time.

How dare she says small business's are the struggler's. One place I worked in a small printing business I didn't get a wage rise for seven years. Yes, seven years. Eventually me and another bloke at the company got a wage rise under Paul Keating when he did a safety net thing demanding our employer to increase wages for those employees who hadn't had a wage rise for a number of years (can't remember how many).

We would work our asses off. The stress of impossible production times promised to clients and the sheer workload taking it's toll. Yet at the end of the month the management would tell us they'd had a bad month. We worked hard and gave it our all. It certainly wasn't our fault that they weren't making money like they wanted.

This video of Hanson makes my fuckin blood boil.

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