Saturday 12 March 2011

2 weeks back at work

The second week back at work was rather more strenuous and exhausting than the first. By Friday afternoon I was pretty well had it. They said it was going to be a while before I was able to do everything again. Am glad next week as well is only 6 hour days as I reckon a 7.5 hour day of full time work I'd have problems. Spent much of Thursday and Friday packing, which involves lifting of heavy boxes. It is good to know I can do that now, but was surprised at how tired I got by the end of the day. Thankful I bought those new shoes for work which helped a lot. 

Actually had some spare money this week to pay off some of the credit card debt. Just a drop in the bucket but certainly a step in the right direction. It's going to take months to make a reasonable dent in the debt I've built up, but that zero interest rate crazy card has given me some much appreciated breathing space. They transferred nearly $6,000 from a couple of my other cards (as a balance transfer) to this new one of 0%, saving heaps of interest. Have nearly paid off the 20% one completely now, and have stopped using it. Along with the 13.5% one there's only a few hundred left owing on that. The big one is the 16% Mastercard which has still a few thousand on it, and the personal loan which has 4 years to go yet. 

Most of this debt has been from circumstances completely beyond my control. I've always been good with money, it's just that I got thrown a few curve balls and ended up in serious debt. You have no choice but to do what you have to do, like eating properly the last two months for example. Or paying the utility bills. That on top of losing thousands from not being at work. It's impossible to live off only $300 a week from the Centrelink Sickness Allowance, so I just used credit to make up the difference. The rent alone is $360 a week, luckily my daughter is helping me out there. I think it's pretty amazing I was able to meet all the credit card minimum payments during that time, including the nearly $400 a month personal loan payments. Of course the situation was unsustainable in the long term, but I guess I scrapped through with being only temporarily out of action. Perhaps it's a good thing the Centrelink payments are so low, as it's a real incentive to get back to work and earn decent money. Getting paid this week, even though it wasn't a full weeks pay with only being there part time, felt like winning the fuckin lottery!

Again, I could have gotten a rental subsidy from Dept of Housing had I been permanently sick. Would have gone onto a permanent Disability Pension from Centrelink, and
Dept of Housing would have paid most of the rent. I guess I'd have paid about $80 a week had I done that. I'd have gotten by OK, but wouldn't have been rich or anything. The debt I owe would have likely been paid out of my superannuation. That whole scenario didn't particularly appeal to me though. Felt like I was too young to retire, and if I recovered enough from the GKC would give going back to work a go. It did seem daunting at first, but the whole process so far is working alright. It's not easy, but it's working.

It's doing well for my mental health too. There is something to be said for embracing a challenge and accomplishing a goal. Even if you fail at least you know you tried. Can't control everything but there are things you can. Being proactive is better than being a victim. I still don't know if I'm going to succeed in this whole getting back to work thing, and I'm not promising them anything at work either. But I certainly am going to give it my best shot.

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