Friday 18 March 2011

"Shadow of the day"

You know when you've listened to a song or an album a few times, and although you try you just can't quite grasp exactly what they're talking about? But then one day you listen to it, or hear it in your head, and the meaning explodes into your consciousness? I had such an experience today with the song I posted day before yesterday.

"The shadow of the day, will embrace the world in grey, and the sun will set for you...."
 "OMG!" I realised. The grey world of depression, colourless. The days events casting their shadow in the dusk as the day ends. The nightmares endured, the pain, the crisis, all contributing to the shadow of the day. But the sun does set, the day does end, and there is a tomorrow.

It precisely describes where I am at the moment. I'm feeling shell shocked and the depression still goes on in the day's shadows. I just can't believe what's happened lately. It's been a shit "day". I hope tomorrow is a lot better.

I've decided I need to start again. Somehow a new beginning. I have so much fuckin baggage. So much that triggers painful memories. But I need to live today and in the future, not haunted forevermore by the past. It's time to say goodbye to the past. Goodbye to the pain, and the wreckage that exists there. Time to walk away. There's little worth salvaging.

"Sometimes beginnings aren't so simple, sometimes goodbye's the only way"

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