Wednesday 25 May 2011

Group discussion, sero-discordant relationships

It was an effort but I made it to the discussion. Was tired as hell (another hugely busy day at work) but had a couple of beers at the Oxford before going the short distance to where it was. The beers helped to relax and get me in the mood for talking. Seriously was considering going home before that as was just so fucked after work.

The people there involved were very friendly and open. Both positive and negative. The main point/theme I took home with me from it was that it's about how you feel for each other, how much you love each other, that is the key to the trust and communication that is in a close relationship. HIV in such a relationship is sort of secondary; I mean if you love someone, do you really care if they have a manageable illness? You overlook that if you love them. You want to be with them even if they are positive. 

It was certainly that way with my late wife. She was ill when I met her, and slowly progressed over the years to death because of it. But I always loved her, despite that.

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