Wednesday 18 May 2011

Sero discordant relationships

Sero discordant relationships, is the technical term for relationships between two people with one HIV negative and one positive. I went to the research interview a couple of weeks back that was just between me and the researcher. I'm now set down for a group discussion next Tuesday with the researcher, the group being a number of both HIV+ and negative guys in relationships. 

So I am a research subject. Very fuckin interesting man. They are using the information they get from this research for some kind of campaign in the future from the Positive Life centre about this sort of +/- relationship. There are issues involved of course, and it will be of interest to me to talk to others involved in a relationship like this, as I'm happy to do now. This is the sort of thing I'm happy to be involved with, unlike the kidney thing that I declined the other day.

And really, why should HIV stop you from finding someone you love? HIV is a disease that is just as treatable now as diabetes. I don't see any diabetics having some crisis about their future love prospects because of the diabetes.

I was genuinely surprised with Simon and how little he cared that I had HIV. There I was thinking he'd want nothing to do with me after finding out, only to see him not bat an eyelid and go on with the conversation not involving HIV. He wanted me and just didn't care about the HIV. Something that perhaps us HIV+ people don't seem to realise.

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