Sunday, 21 August 2011

Shareholoder profits vs human cost

Spent a bit of time at the pub yesterday. Will be something I'll have to take it easy with when I become poor shortly. 

I still am in the process of looking into WTF to do about the money. It's going to be a big adjustment in lifestyle. I'm not exactly sure how much I will be getting as I don't know how much tax I'd pay on such a little amount. Plus daughter is changing jobs and so may not have the usual money to give me. She's very aware of it though. Is applying to an agency next week for casual work in  child care, think she said it pays about $21 an hour which is alright for her. Only thing is there's no annual leave, sick days, etc with casual work like that. And she'd have to be traveling around to different places all the time as different centres rang the agency for fill in staff. She only wants to do that until she finishes her studies at TAFE in the industry, and then look for something more permanent. 

I'm seeing 2 social workers on Tuesday to discuss my whole situation. I have an appt with one at the hospital through the Infectious Diseases unit, but my psychologist thought it might be better to see someone more attune to the gay section of the community, so he's arranged for me to see someone else as well specifically related to HIV+ gay people and the financial issues they face. It will be a busy afternoon Tuesday, with a social worker, then the Infectious Diseases appt, followed by another social worker, then finishing off with the psychologist for an hour. Oh what fun.

Probably a good thing I won't be able to afford to go to the pub as much and piss my money up against the wall. Think it has been getting a bit out of hand lately. 

Also having 2 less days at work will give me much more time. One of the things I noticed when I went back to full time work was just how little time I had. Being as I was still recovering from the GKC, the fatigue during that time became a huge issue. I have been going to bed at about 7pm, to get up at 6am. Often don't go to sleep straight away, but feel like I'm just too tired to sit in a chair watching telly. Honestly seem to need about 10 hours of sleep a night. So through the week my whole life just revolves around work, with no time for anything else.

Given that work has turned into such a horrible place to be now, it's often gone through my head recently about what a waste of time it seems to be even being there anymore. The money is good if I actually manage to do a whole week, but on the other hand it has become clear that spending such a big part of my life in such a horrible place isn't really what I want to do. 

Life is too short. Again, near death makes you see things differently. The money I'll sort out somehow, but I don't want to have to endure any more of this so called new Capitalist way anymore. 

Ripping the guts out of a company in a search for ever increasing profits to shareholders may be fine for the shareholders, but it doesn't take into account the human cost on the shop floor. I see it first hand. The place used to be good to work at, there was trust between management and workers. You were treated with respect and as a mature adult. Now it's all confrontation and suspicion. Blame and aggravation. 

And people have changed. In 12 years my supervisor has never before done anything like that to me. We used to be very friendly with each other, but that's gone right out the door with them stabbing me in the back. That's the human cost of increased profits at the expense of staff cuts, and threats of being fired. But do the shareholders care about destroying a 12 year friendly working relationship in a company? Apparently not.

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