Friday, 11 October 2013

Confirmed - Abbott to challenge ACT

I shouldn't be surprised, but I am. I thought that perhaps Abbott's sister and family might soften his stance somewhat, but no. The Abbott gov, still living apparently in the 50's, has confirmed to the ACT Attorney General that it will challenge the ACT marriage equality legislation in the High Court.
In a major setback for the push for state-based marriage equality, the federal government has confirmed that it will mount a challenge against the ACT’s same-sex marriage bill in the High Court as soon as it is enacted. 

Speaking from Canberra this afternoon, ACT Attorney-General Simon Corbell (pictured) confirmed to reporters that he and ACT Chief Minister Katy Gallagher were informed of the government’s intent last night by federal Attorney-General George Brandis. 

The ACT Parliament is expected to pass a bill legalising same-sex marriage in the territory within days, but a High Court challenge from the federal government could quickly see the law invalidated and any further attempts to pass same-sex marriage laws at a state level rendered moot. more
What a lot of imbecilic fools. Are they in complete denial of the present reality? Are they in complete denial of the present?  What possible justification could there be to spending untold taxpayers money on a High Court challenge? To preach to us that us poofs are still immoral and don't deserve the expression of love that is marriage? Even the fuckin Pope is supporting gay marriage now FFS!  WTF is this blinded, bigoted, lying, hypocrite trying to accomplish here, other than to get 70% of the population pissed off with him and his band of fuckwits? 

I'm sorry, hate is a strong word, but I actually hate Abbott right now. How would he like it if I launched a High Court challenge on his  marriage, even though society is fine with it? May the universe help us all with this goon in charge.

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