Thursday, 24 October 2013

Unions prepare for war with Abbott

There's a really easy site from the ACTU where you can join your union here.

Needless to say the unions in this country are preparing for war. In an email, this is what they're expecting the Abbott gov to do.

Reintroduce the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC) and extend its shocking and discriminatory powers to include targeting our maritime unions; 
Launch a Productivity Commission Inquiry into all of our workplace rights contained in the Fair Work Act; 
Support a big push by employers to reduce or abolish penalty rates early next year when there is a scheduled review of all Awards; 
Go searching via "Inquiries" for allegations against unions and run a PR campaign against all of us whilst they are busy defending the abuse of their own travel entitlements
Launch a Commission of Audit to justify cutting services, cutting funding and significant job losses in the public sector
Scrap tax breaks on Superannuation for low income workers while also delaying the Superannuation contribution improvements; 
and Prepare for the new Senate to attack our rights at work.
If people want to hold on to penalty rates, entitlements, work conditions and all, the only way to do it under Abbott is to fight for it on a united front. The unions are preparing as we speak.

Oh yeah, this must be more of Abbott's Christian convictions again. Apparently it's the Christian thing to do to clobber the unions and their members to line the pockets of the well off. 

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