Sunday, 27 October 2013

"Gay marriage will confuse tradies"

No prizes for guessing where this came from. The "Family Voice", or should I say, the Christians. Apparently if you're LGBT you're not part of a "family", well according to these people anyway. May I introduce the author herself of the press release, Ros Philips:

Ros Phillips sent a press release yesterday claiming the recent change to same-sex marriage laws in the ACT would confuse tradies including plumbers, electricians and carpenters. 
The release included a diagram depicting appliances and plumbing equipment being joined together - like male and female sex organs. 
"As any tradie can tell you, marriage has always been a joining of two opposites. You cannot properly unite two of the same," Mrs Phillips said. more

Well at least she's not saying that it'll be an end to civilisation as we know it. I guess that's an improvement. But seriously, is this all the Christians have left? It all boils down to plumbing? Oh FFS.........

So we're supposed to break up with our loved ones in case the tradies get confused? The only one who's confused it appears is Ros Philips herself, as demonstrated in this picture by said "tradies".

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