Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Labor to abandon the climate?

I realise Labor is going through a period of self analysis at the moment, but there are troubling reports in the media that in that process it's going to ditch the carbon tax as a policy. I  thought they already did that BTW before the election when Rudd was going to make it into an ETS. I assume they're shit scared that Abbott is going to use it like a club again. 

In which case that would mean that they're ditching the climate because of politics. You can email your own Labor MP here about it. Now is the time to do it whilst they're still considering policy. We should really at least make it known that aside from a small vocal bunch of climate denialists, the carbon tax (eventually to turn into an ETS - that was the original plan from Labor that never changed) was a small step in the right direction. 

Did the world end when it came in? We were more than compensated for the small increases it caused (and no, most of the electricity price rises in NSW were because of overspending on infrastructure, not the carbon tax). For example the lifting to the tax free threshold from about $6,000 a year to $18,000 a year. That's the first $18,000 tax free as part of the compensation for price rises.

My question to Abbott of course now is, if you repeal the carbon tax, then are you also going to put the tax free threshold back to only $6,000 then? If not, how are you going to pay for this so called "direct action"?

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