Saturday, 26 October 2013

Both not well

I'm still feeling wiped out, have done for the last two or three days. Everything feels like this major effort to accomplish. I guess it's some kind of allergy or mild flu thing, muscles in my back and legs were aching like mad last night.

David has still been coughing a lot. Last night he had some kind of an attack in the middle of the night and had to get up from the coughing. He was scheduled to work yesterday and Thursday but I convinced him he was too sick to go. Has some kind of muscular thing happening in his foot too (forget what he called it) but it was very painful standing at work. He said he's had it before and just needed to be off it a couple of days.

Not that he's a good patient. Must be something about nurses :s  It's a bit hard to get him to go see a doctor when he knows what the story is anyway. 

Not that I'm a good patient at seeing doctors of late. I just get sick to death of seeing them and delay it for as long as I can.

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