Wednesday, 16 October 2013

Why is "Obamacare" some kind of Satan?

Normally the disaster that is the US system doesn't interest me so much, but on this occasion it's about the US gov shut down. This interests me because I don't want to see what's left of my superannuation dissolve into another GFC. The fact that the entire world is holding it's collective financial breath because of a few extremist right wing nuts in Congress is confusing to say the least. And yes Washington, the world is watching this debacle and wondering how the hell we got here. First the US gave us the GFC, and now this FFS.

But this one is just right over the top. This is what some Republican nutter is saying over there (Buchanan):

In a column fittingly titled “Republicans, Stand Up – Polls Be Damned!,” Pat Buchanan calls on Republicans in Congress not to give up on the push to derail Obamacare, even if it means the collapse of the Republican Party. If the GOP goes down, Buchanan writes, Republicans should bring America down with them as he urges the GOP to be like Samson, who killed himself along with countless Philistines in bringing down the temple. 
“Republicans should refuse to raise the white flag and insist on an honorable avenue of retreat,” Buchanan claims. “And if Harry Reid’s Senate demands the GOP end the sequester on federal spending, or be blamed for a debt default, the party should, Samson-like, bring down the roof of the temple on everybody’s head."
He urges Republicans to ignore three new polls showing the GOP approval rating tanking over its role in the government shutdown, because time will prove the Republicans were right about Obamacare all along. - See more
Which brings me back to the title; WTF is supposed to be so wrong with Obamacare? Why does this elected representative over there want to wreck the whole place rather than continue with Obamacare? 

Seriously, I know a little bit about the disastrous health care system in the US. Before Obamacare 45 million people without health insurance. The system the most expensive in the world per capita. Higher infant mortality than any other OECD countries, lower life expectancy, the list goes on and on. It could only get better from there.

This crap about "socialised medicine"? Well if that's the big fear, then all the US people have to fear is what every other industrialised country on earth has; universal health care. That means 100% of the population has access to health care. Here the rich are encouraged to have private health insurance by being taxed more on the Medicare levy if they don't. Us mere mortals without money to spend on health insurance have the very good public system. Yes it's expensive for the gov, but per capita it's far far cheaper than the behemoth blundering system in the US.

No mention of the $bazillions that truly sent the US broke and shut; you know, two Iraq wars, Afganistan, bla. How about looking after your own people before blowing up the rest of the world then?

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