Thursday, 10 October 2013

Abbott to fight the ACT

I don't want to get into again at what a fuckin embarrassing moron the fuckwit Abbott is, as I'll just get myself pissed off with the idiot again. Seeing him fumbling around like a dumb clown on the world stage is cringe worthy darlings. But anyway it looks like Abbott is going to go against about 70% of the Australian population's wishes and try to strike down the soon to be marriage equality legislation in the Australian Capitol Territory (Canberra).
The fate of the ACT's same-sex marriage bill could become clear as early as Thursday. 
Attorney-General Simon Corbell will present information about the bill to a two-day meeting of federal, state and territory attorneys-general, amid speculation the federal government is about to challenge it.  
''I will be placing the matter on the agenda and explaining why we believe the bill is valid,'' he said. ''I am not asking for any explicit agreement … I'm hopeful there will be an opportunity for an exchange of views to get a better understanding of the Commonwealth view on the matter.''  
Mr Corbell said the ACT bill could operate concurrently with the federal legislation. Read more
I will resist the temptation to throw a cyberspace shoe at him, and simply say that All Out has a petition going to try and get it through the fuckwits head that if he tries to stop it he's going to look like a fossil trying to stop the tide coming in with a shovel.
Please support laws that will give all Australians the freedom to marry. 
Support full marriage equality at federal, state, and territory level. Don’t try to stop it with new laws or legal challenges sign here

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