Wednesday, 24 February 2016

ACL behind anti-Safe Schools emails to Canberra politicians - Safe Schools will end civilisation :s

Email generator anti-Safe Schools program; source of many of the emails sent to Canberra politicians

A day after Turnbull orders an investigation into the LGBT directed Safe Schools Program, it comes to light who's been doing the shit stirring against the program. As entirely suspected, it is the dastardly Australian Christian Lobby. The unrepresentative Canberra swill for christians. 

You see they've had this email generator thingo going, similar to the sort of thing that GetUp does for campaigns. Unfortunately the people that it's attracted to send emails through appear indoctrinated and uneducated fools who can barely put a sentence together let alone spell. Never mind that though, don't worry about the stupidity, as it's plain to see that the Safe Schools Program is going to end civilisation! End the program or it's the end! *Good grief*

Here's some of the emails quoted at New Matilda
  • “Do not allow these funds to be use for the advancement and propagation of gay lesbian agenda. We do not want our children to adopt these unnatural habits,” 
  • “It is an thinly disguised attempt to indoctrinate our children and young people into accepting homosexuality and ‘gender diversity’ as normal,” 
  • “I am very disappointed to find a backside way to approve things God Almighty forbid using our children to force us to accept and also to distort a whole generation by insulting the human race. God only created am man & a woman nothing was unclear, to get marry each other & have babies & fill the earth.” 
  • “Please note, I am not homophobic. That implies a fear. That would be like saying I’m lie-aphobic. Or treat-your-parents-disrespectfully-aphobic. Or steal-aphobic. Or murder-aphobic. I just believe homosexual behaviour is wrong.” 
  • “Please stop. Gay and lasbians. (Abominacion) God never aprove gays and lasbians. Stop Know.” 
  • “Why all the propaganda…. seems very political to me. Once again the loud gay community with lots of money is influencing our politicians,” 
  • “The focus on explicit sexual deviations from the natural design of the human body lead to health risks both mental, physical, and sociological. The fact is the vagina in a female is primarily for the male penis to introduce sperm to fertilise ova and thus create another life. God created this act to be pleasurable. The anus is meant for expulsion of body waste products, and using it for sex is unhealthy and dangerous.” 
  • “Any society that can countenance such evils has reached an advanced stage of auto-destruction,” New Matilda
I can't resist replying to just a couple of points there. 

"Loud gay community with lots of money".... um, I'd like to know where all that money is as I've not seen any of the so called "pink dollar". In fact most of the gays we know are either average wage earners or poor like us.

"The anus is used for expulsion of body waste products, and using it for sex is unhealthy and dangerous".... As someone who has been married to my late wife, so is the vagina. For urination and period blood. 

So there it is. Turnbull takes heed of the ACL unrepresentative swill. 

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