Saturday, 27 February 2016

"I would have won this election" - Abbott's delusions of granduer

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Meanwhile in la la land, as Turnbull struggles to cope with the ship of fools left behind after Team Abbott's two year reign of insanity, Abbott has now come out with the preposterous claim that he would have won this coming election. I suspect that never before has there been a politician suffering such complete and obvious delusion in Australian politics.

After the marches and the 2014 budget disaster against the horror that that budget would have done to the poor, slaying them on the grinding wheel of capitalist doctrines, the rebellion by Australians of a budget so un-Australian as to not even resemble fairness in the slightest, Abbott now says he'd have won on the strength of that budget. 

His delusion is now complete. His derision of democracy clear to all. He seriously belongs in a padded cell and straight jacket at this point. Someone so utterly devoid of reality certainly doesn't belong in the federal parliament supposedly representing an electorate.
Tony Abbott has launched a defensive of his prime ministership, saying he would have won the federal election with budget cuts and lower taxes. 

"The poll-measured unpopularity of the Abbott government was not due to any shirking of responsibility but to our determination to do our duty by getting our own spending under control," Mr Abbott says in a forthcoming essay obtained by The Australian. 

The former prime minister has also issued a warning for Malcolm Turnbull saying his successor's biggest challenge will be to retain popularity once he has a credible narrative of his own. 

Mr Abbott said he wore his unpopular 2014 budget as a badge of honour and that the problem was less that it was tough but more that it failed to pass the parliament. ninemsn
And why the fuck didn't it pass the parliament? Because it was a fuckin turd. Unrepresentative of the people of Australia.

Indeed, if Turnbull loses this coming election to Labor, much of the blame will lie fair and square at the feet of Team Abbott. 


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