Monday, 15 February 2016

Turnbull Facebooks Valentines pic of him and wife - Aussie gays get the shits

Turnbull posted a Picture of him and his wife many years ago on Facebook (above), with a short soppy message about their love over decades. Awwww.....
When I first asked Lucy to marry me she said, "Let's wait until we grow up." Well we didn't wait long and now it is almost impossible to imagine, let alone remember, what it was like not to be together, so much so that I have a much clearer sense of "Lucy and me" than I do of "me"
Australian LGBT immediately felt ripped off by a hypocrite, who is openly for marriage equality himself but appears to be spineless in the face of the Lieberal extreme right of his party. 

For example, the famous Ian Thorpe has now found a love. They won't be able to get married in Australia if they move forward with the relationship. An Olympic athlete who won I don't know how many medals for Australia, cannot get married here.

As for some commentators saying it's wrong to politicise Turnbull's relationship..... All I can say is well how does it fuckin feel? How would you like to have to wait for the mindless politics of Canberra to finally have all the political planets come into alignment before you could get married? Or how would you like to have to wait for 51% of the population to vote for it to be OK for you to marry? Stop with the politics and just get this done.

BTW Turnbull (aka Mr innovation) still hasn't got that computer photo thingy down to make his face actually visible. 


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