Saturday, 20 February 2016

US Bill passes senate that discriminates against the heathen - empowers churches & KKK

A bill has been passed in the US state of Georgia that was aimed at protecting the religious christians from having to deal with those dastardly evil gay heathens; namely marrying them. Oh the humanity! Or make a cake! Or serve pizza!

However, as anyone of average intelligence would realise, when you give such power to faith based people you open a can of worms much bigger and broader than simply marrying gay people. 

For instance, as in the video below from the Georgia senate shows, the KKK would be protected under this law as a faith based group. Therefore it would then become legal I guess for a KKK faith based person to refuse service to someone who's black. 

Lovely :s  Wouldn't it be easier just to serve the gays?
This means, according to AU, that “any person, business, or taxpayer-funded organization could refuse anyone else rights, services, and benefits because they are part of an interracial couple; are part of an interfaith couple; are a single mother; are part of a same-sex couple; are divorced; are remarried; live or have lived with a partner without being married; or have had sex outside of marriage at any time in their life.” 

The broad scope of the bill, which combines a House-passed measure with an even broader Senate bill, has alarmed many observers, including state Sen. Emanuel Jones. In a debate over the bill today, 

Jones asked its sponsor, Sen. Greg Kirk, if the Ku Klux Klan would count as a faith-based organization protected under the law. Right Wing Watch 

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