Thursday, 11 February 2016

"Rethink the marriage equality plebiscite" - Abbott's gay sister

Christine Forster, Tony Abbott's sister, has written a polite but stern opinion piece on the proposed marriage equality plebiscite. 

You can almost feel the screaming frustration between the lines as she talks about the delays and bullshit coming out of Canberra over marriage equality in Australia. She makes it very clear that she is diametrically opposed to her brother's position on this issue, and calls for a rethink on having a poll "on steroids" that isn't even binding to the Lieberals.

She concludes that Australians want Canberra MP's to do their job and legislate on it.
Meanwhile, there's been increasing media coverage of public disquiet about the reported cost of a plebiscite. Granted, the per capita cost of what amounts to an opinion poll on steroids might not be much more than a couple of cups of coffee, but $160 million is enough to build a new regional hospital or several schools. 

With all that in the mix, surely now is the time for a rethink on the plebiscite, which has the potential to divide our communities, further marginalise already vulnerable gay and lesbian Australians and their families and which, at the end of the day, won't be binding on MPs who oppose the change when they come to vote in Parliament. 

I believe that in 2016 a majority of Australians are ready to allow their MPs to make good on the call then-Prime Minister Abbott made in May last year, when he said in question time that this important reform "ought to be owned by the parliament." The Huffington Post  

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