Friday, 26 February 2016

Lieberal Christensen says "Safe Schools" is paedophile “grooming” :s


Lieberal George Christensen has used parliament to allege that the Safe Schools Program for the LGBT is the same as paedophile grooming. Yes, you read that right, he actually said that.
“If someone proposed exposing a child to this material, the parents would probably call the police, because it would sound a lot like grooming work that a sexual predator might undertake,” Christensen said, further claiming that the activities of Safe Schools and similar entities “sound sadly familiar” to the grooming practices engaged in by child molesters. 

“The Safe Schools program focuses heavily on child and teenage sexual activity and sexual attractions”, Christensen noted, claiming that the program “leaves students open to being groomed on websites, or being advertised to by adult sex vendors”. Junkee
If you can be bothered listening to the drawling diatribe against an innocent program designed to accommodate the problems that the LGBT face (remember we're talking about a vulnerable minority 6 times more likely to suicide) the video is below.

He even calls out the YouTube channel Minnus 18 as some kind of evil thing. In fact it couldn't be more innocent. I've been subscribed to it for ages and have seen absolutely nothing there to warrant any sort of concerns at all. Certainly YouTube doesn't have a problem with it.

What fuckin drugs is Christensen on? A fat middle aged heterosexual man in Canberra, brainwashed by the god squad, actually thinks he knows what's best for the LGBT? Fuck! Talk about delusions of grandeur. Un-fuckin-believable.

This is one of the idiots Turnbull has caved to in ordering an inquiry into Safe Schools.



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