Monday, 15 February 2016

Turnbull gov drops in another poll - "gloss comes off"

Following a conga line of corruption scandals, talk of a 50% GST increase with nothing done about corporate non-tax, and among other things privatising parts of Medicare, The Turnbull gov has finally had the "gloss come off" itself.

Yes folks, our new shiny glorious leader isn't the messiah after all.....

This latest  poll is from Fairfax Ipsos and shows a 4 point drop in the Lieberals, along with a corresponding 4 point gain for Labor. The Lieberals remain ahead, but if this is a trend it would be very worrying for them.

Perhaps Turnbull may finally realise that instead of trying to please the far right radicals in his party, he should be trying to please the electorate instead? But then again, look at his party anyway; the lot of them are mired in the cesspool of stinking Lieberal corruption. Not to mention their complete incompetence to run even a proverbial chook raffle. What fuckin hope has even a bright shiny new PM got against that? 

Which begs the question. Has Turnbull taken over a sinking ship? 
The latest Fairfax/Ipsos poll shows Labor trailing the Coalition by 52 per cent to 48 per cent on a two-party-preferred basis. 

While the result would ensure a Coalition victory should it be replicated on election day, it does represent a swing towards the Opposition since the 2013 election of 1.5 per cent, which could translate into a loss of up to nine Coalition seats. 

It also represents a significant tightening since the heady days just after Mr Turnbull rolled Tony Abbott. Australian Financial Review

Dead cat bounce

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