Wednesday, 17 February 2016

"Gay parade organisers destroy christians more than beheaders" - Russia

The latest Disinformation Review is out and it has some outrageous stuff being reported inside Russia in their media. Not usually aware of by the West, the Disinformation Review gives a valuable ongoing insight into media lies in other countries not covered in our own pathetic broadcast media.

You can find the stuff regarding gays on page 7 and 8 of the review. Pictured below.

The most outrageous claim is that those who organise gay parades are doing more damage to christians than those who behead them. 

It seems Russia is becoming increasingly insulated, nationalistic, and paranoid of the West and the so called danger of the gays. Perhaps this was fueled by the "gay propaganda" laws that came into sharp focus during the Sochi Games, where the West made it's disapproval very clear about Russia and it's anti-gay laws. Instead of admitting any error though it seems Russia has dug in.

It must be terrible to be gay in Russia. Looks to me like the anti-gay propaganda is increasing and making life intolerable to be openly gay there. I read recently gays are now going underground. I predict an upsurge in HIV. 

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