Sunday, 14 February 2016

Nationals minister likens gays to "rams in a paddock"

Victorian National Party MP (the Nationals voted over 80% no to same sex marriage in the joint party room meeting of the Lieberals last year) Andrew Broad, has compared same sex marriage to "rams in a paddock". 

Perhaps he's had some experience in a Dark Room then?

Needless to say he doesn't agree with same sex marriage. The news article in question is here but most of it's behind a pay wall, but I did find this online.

As well as the report about it all from The New Daily.
Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce is being urged to reprimand one of his MPs who equated same-sex relationships with randy rams. 

Member for Mallee Andrew Broad made the analogy in an interview with local newspaper, Sunraysia Daily, published in the February 6 edition. 

After defending the Federal Government’s plan to put the same-sex marriage issue to a plebiscite, Mr Broad said that he would not call a relationship between a homosexual couple a marriage.

“I think a bicycle is not a tricycle, and relationships can have different names,” Mr Broad said. 

“I can put the rams in a paddock and they might mount one another, but no lambs will come out.” 

His comments have angered Greens senator Robert Simms, who has called on Mr Joyce to step in over the issue. 

Senator Simms, one of the few openly gay politicians in Australia, said this could be the new leader’s first test. 

“It’s first day in the job — he should come out and call his member into line,” Mr Simms said. 

“He needs to ensure that his members of parliament conduct themselves in a respectful and appropriate way. Really, he should step in.” 

Mr Simms said he had concerns that similar comments could be made in the lead-up to a plebiscite on same-sex marriage, citing concerns over a potential “mother of all hate campaigns”. 

He called on Mr Broad to apologise and withdraw the comments. The New Daily

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