Wednesday, 29 May 2013

100,000 views.... *faints*

Amazingly, and beyond any expectations I've had, the blog has reached 100,000 page views overnight whilst I slept. I thought all you mysterious darlings out there in internet land might like a bit of a current look at some of the stats for today's 100,000th occasion. Here's the updated stats for this morning, just the one supplied by the blog itself:

And here is the audience, with a little map, along with the top ten countries viewing. The views are for the last week.

Am a bit surprised by some of the countries where people are looking from. I seem to have gained a lot of views from the US, which is a bit surprising to me given how I get the shits with the US gov a lot. Russia has been at times a lot more, sometimes even more than US views. Maybe they don't like my announcement of late that Russia is devolving into a theocratic dictatorship? Australians have only started reading in any great numbers in the last 6 months or so.

I had absolutely not the slightest idea that the blog was going to get this far. It's the only blog I've ever tried and it started pretty much as a way to keep my head together by writing about my dramas. It does work, I mean after I have a rave about something here I can usually move on from it rather than it being stuck playing over and over in my head. As it went on and people started reading it I often wondered what the attraction was for them. My psychologist has been interested in the fact that it's gained some sort of audience too and has been following it a bit in the sessions I have with him. 

The only thing I can guess is that people like the openness and honesty. Something that is often rather lacking online. I dunno if that's just me, or because we down under are known for being very direct and forthright. It follows then that the blog is a look into the world of someone who's an HIV+ gay. It sheds light on a minority that has been demonised by religion and bigotry, simply showing a human face to where that hatred is directed. We're just people like everyone else. We're not trying to destroy civilisation or some shit, we just want to live our lives in peace.

Even though it all happened sort of accidentally, raising awareness of the humanity of LGBT people is certainly something I'm very happy about. Perhaps the brave new world of the internet will see LGBT people less hated and more understood.

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