Saturday, 18 May 2013

Move to legalise marijuana

Well for people suffering terminal illness. Dunno how that would work, and I'd expect you'd have to be pretty bloody terminal to get it, if the recommendations are implemented.
ACON has welcomed a recommendation from a NSW parliamentary committee to allow medical use of cannabis for people with terminal illness and AIDS. 

The recommendation was announced today in a report from the NSW Legislative Council Select Committee inquiry into the use of cannabis for medical purposes. 

ACON, NSW's largest community-based HIV and gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender health organisation, made a joint submission to the inquiry with other HIV-related community organisations including Positive Life NSW, AFAO and NAPWHA, and ACON's CEO Nicolas Parkhill appeared before the inquiry in support of the submission. 

Mr Parkhill says the recommendation is welcome as it will help many people with terminal illnesses to alleviate some of the pain and suffering they experience. 

"Members of our communities experience a range of health issues such as HIV/AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis or other conditions which can induce various levels of pain or discomfort," Mr Parkhill says. 
"Research shows that cannabis can be effective in reducing pain and ACON supports the availability of cannabis for medical use. more
A good step in the right direction.

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