Monday, 13 May 2013

Days of our cats

Daughters cat Felix recently turned only 1. He's a big clomping male kitten really. Just wants to play rough and tumble. This is a fairly recent photo:

This is David's cat Kiera in recent times before the move. A female cat and is 17. She can get a bit grumpy at times, and seems content to just lay about. She also is a real talker; you'd swear her meows are her talking to you. she's never been a parent, having been fixed all her life.

And this is Natasha, a very quiet 10 year old female. Her and Kiera are sisters but 7 years apart. She's had a couple of litters so has a bit more of an idea about things than Kiera. We're both expecting she'll end up mothering Felix into submission.

So far things have gone well. All three have been very surprised at the sight of fellow cat/s on the premises. Felix is just over the moon about it, wants to play with them and gets bored shitless at all the stare-offs between them and him. Like he's sits there and you can almost hear him, "I just want to play". Although I have seen him sneak a sly sniff of both of the girls behinds when they weren't looking.

Kiera and Natasha have both settled into our room very well, and during the day we're leaving the door open so the three of them can interact. They love the bed and lots of cuddles so they don't fret. Upon seeing Felix they appear to have developed a strategy to keep the boy in line; that is they're sticking together now. Strength in numbers. I believe they're using the bed to develop the new said strategy.

To be continued.....

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