Thursday, 16 May 2013

Spammed by a witch doctor :s

My apologies to anyone who has been reading the comments in "Bryan's Cancer Story" in the last few hours. There was three replies put on there from some Fuckwit in Africa claiming to be a "powerful African spell caster" and crapping on about that silly herbal "cure" for HIV. What a fuckin load of shit. Of course I'm open to new ideas, but I do draw the line at crazy shit like that. Unfortunately some people may not, get duped, and proceed to cark it from AIDS.

Deleted the comments of course. Here's the link where his name went to. I've sent feedback to the Google+ people with the send feedback thing bottom right of screen, giving my blog address, and that I was very annoyed about it particularly as I have HIV and the blog is about living with it. Not being "cured" by "HIV/AIDS spell 29" FFS.

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