Thursday, 23 May 2013

Agency rings about a job

Was surprised to get a text from the agency that I was considering working for last August (when Centrelink just about threw the disability pension at me I decided I'd not be able to keep up with work anymore). It was quite a revelation at the time I remember, being that it was obvious now how sick I was as opposed to being in a bit of denial about it. Anyway the agency bloke kept ringing all through July even though I told him I was out of Sydney for that month. When the DSP came through I explained the situation to him and he never contacted me since then.

Until yesterday. Wanting to know if I knew anyone who might like a job in the city. Smallish guillotine, full time 3day week (12 hour days). Sounds tempting but there's just no way I could do it anymore. The fatigue makes it hard enough just to get out of bed let alone lifting all day, and my back still gets pains from work nearly a year after not working.

Was pretty amazed though as to how easy it would be to work if I was much healthier, and at about $35 an hour through the agency. The agency jumps at people like me; qualified with 30 years experience. There's a big labour shortage here for people in the printing industry, I mean qualified  people. It's one of the industries top of the list for people wanting to come out here and work because there's such a shortage. 

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