Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Civilisation doesn't collapse in New Zealand

It's been about a month or so since New Zealand passed it's marriage equality bill. The sky has not fallen, and civilisation has not collapsed. In fact, it seems that nothing much has changed at all.

Remember this guy?

His speech in parliament that day went viral on the net and he became quite famous for his use of comedy in the speech. He's written another equally funny piece for News.com.au, which he speaks of the failure of the gay apocalypse to eventuate.
You might have seen there was rioting in France after they passed similar legislation. Not in New Zealand. People just carried on with their lives, as I suspected they would. 

Now, if that's what the prophesised 'gay onslaught' looks like then we'll take it every day and twice on Sundays. I can tell you that my own monitoring of the Pakuranga Highway, the road that cuts through my electorate, has shown nothing untoward since April 17th. 

The insidious fear mongering has proved to be completely baseless, but hasn't stopped a few people writing nasty letters to me about the speech I made in support of gay marriage. 

One man hoped my family and I would get AIDS and die. Many others said the Lord would deal to me in time – not very Christian of them is it? 

One letter went on to say that soldiers who fought in wars would be outraged at what had happened - but this too is a flawed argument, as those soldiers were fighting for freedom. 

In all the hate-filled emails there was not one credible argument about how allowing gay marriage would affect my marriage or theirs. Because in the end it won't. more

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