Saturday, 25 May 2013

Close Gitmo, reduce drones strikes - Obama

Finally! Finally!  Has somebody actually woken up over there in the echelons of the US gov? Do they actually get the thing that dropping drones on innocent civilians in an undeclared war isn't too good for the US's soft power around the world? (that's if the US has any bloody soft power left that is; people are pretty bloody pissed off with it last few years. Australians among them).

Of course we all believed Obama the first time about Gitmo, and where did that get us? Absolutely fuckin nowhere. That stain on the US, that violation of human rights, that gulag, is still there. Not to mention the drones. How could any country harp on about human rights to anyone when they're doing bullshit like that?

Given Congresses efforts in his last term, I'm not holding my breath this time around either. The only hope I guess is if Obama actually does something instead of making inspiring speeches and doing nothing. The "light on the hill" is an American delusion after it's track record. Anyway at least his head's in the right place. He actually puts it quite well to describing Gitmo:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama wants to roll back some of the most controversial aspects of the U.S. "war on terror," but efforts to alter the global fight against Islamist militants will face the usual hurdle at home: staunch opposition from Republicans in Congress. 

In a major policy speech on Thursday, Obama narrowed the scope of the targeted-killing drone campaign against al Qaeda and its allies and announced steps toward closing the Guantanamo Bay military prison in Cuba. 

He acknowledged the past use of "torture" in U.S. interrogations, expressed remorse over civilian casualties from drone strikes, and said Guantanamo "has become a symbol around the world for an America that flouts the rule of law." 
After launching costly wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the United States is tiring of conflict. While combating terrorism is still a high priority, polls show Americans' main concerns are the economy and other domestic issues such as healthcare. more
No shit Sherlock.

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