Thursday, 9 May 2013

Islamics say non-believers shouldn't vote - referendum

I completely missed this the other day. How's this for something right out of left field?
Australia's Islamic community has joined Christian groups in calling for a referendum on same-sex marriage. 

The main Islamic organisation, the Australian Federation of Islamic Councils, has backed an election day poll on gay marriage – but also questioned the right of non-believers to cast a vote on the ''religious institution'' of marriage. 

Keysar Trad, the assistant secretary of the Federation of Islamic Councils, said: ''Let's have a referendum but a referendum of this nature is a little strange if people who don't believe in God are allowed to tell people who do believe in God about a religious matter. 

''Marriage is a religious union under God, it has always been and should always be. God sets the rules, not Parliament.'' Read more  
Oh fuck off you idiot. Does this guy realise he's in Australia? One of the most secular countries in the world. He's a Muslim leader and he comes out with crap like that? 

So what he's saying is that people who believe in god, can tell someone who doesn't believe in god that they can't get married. What's more, the person who doesn't believe in god doesn't even get to cast a vote in favour of getting married. 

News flash, this is a democracy, not a theocracy. Parliament sets the rules, not god.

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