Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Hitler's history repeating?

Perhaps I should stop reading what Olympic athletes are saying about Russia's anti-gay laws. Seems like every time they comment about them they just piss me off completely.

The latest is an occasion in the US where US athletes where asked about their views on Sochi. The comments weren't just disappointing, but enraging.

First we have Ashley Wagner who said this:
“It is very intimidating to speak up at all. It comes with a lot of questions and responsibility. A lot of athletes are not afraid to talk about it but shy away because it is inconvenient to talk about it.” more
As well as Jeremy Abbott who said this:
“It is a very polarized issue,” he said. “I think there is no right answer. There is no way to answer this question properly without offending somebody. That’s why we all feel we are walking on eggshells. . .We have to be cautious about what we say.” more
(BTW Abbott was the one who compared Russian anti-gay laws recently to "interior decorating").

These are people being interviewed inside the US, and they're saying they have to be "cautious" about what they say, and it's "inconvenient" to be talking about. So when did people have to be cautious when speaking of laws that discriminate against a minority? Of course we've been here before when everyone behaved very politely for Hitler's Olympics and his treatment of the Jews, only to end up at war with him. Honestly, with athletes coming out with crap like the above, and the IOC giving it's stamp of approval to Sochi, what now is different between Hitler's Olympics and these ones?

So WTF did we fight WW2 then? Why did my father get drafted to the other side of the world to fight against Hitler? So I could sit here and watch a couple of spoilt Olympic brats wringing their hands over what they can or can't say about a minority being persecuted? So we could watch the whole Hitler thing unfold again before our eyes and do nothing about it? Simply repeat the same mistakes again we did with Hitler?

Are we really going to do this, again? Are we really going to ignore what's happening inside Russia for a bit of pompous patriotism?

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