Tuesday 4 May 2010

Getting sick on top of HIV

It's finally happened. I have HIV and now I have some sort of flu on top of it. I have no sick days, no holidays, nothing left at work to take. So I had to go in just to be paid.

I did however have the Panadene Forte, of which I took two on getting up. Proceeding to take more through the day to stop the muscle aches and all. Apart from having my eyes half closed for most of the day it appears I got through it OK.

It is scary though. I doubt this is anything like a full on flu, but it's really knocking me around. Cried very briefly this morning trying to get organised, everything just hurt so bad. Not long after that I was saved by the pain pills. Also scary having to rely on them just to get through a day.

Being sick as well as HIV, means that the body which is already flat out fighting the HIV virus also has to fight another virus. Something even as small as a cold can lead to a spike in the HIV viral load. In other words a double whammy.

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