Saturday 8 May 2010

Something to look forward to.

Still sick. Stayed in bed until nearly 1pm. Coughing and dozing. Starting to lose my voice a bit. Will go for a few beers at pub later, just to get out of the house.

Got something to look forward to. Finally convinced by my country lover to go visit him in the far flung place where he is. Will actually be the furthest inland I've ever been here, they even have red dirt. Will be armed with camera and clean tourist type shoes.And a mental preparation to perhaps encounter the kind of political thinking that would have existed here in the city about the 1950's!

It does remind me of that quote from "Priscilla, Queen of the Desert" :
 Bernadette: [to Felicia] It's funny. We all sit around mindlessly slagging off that vile stink-hole of a city. But in its own strange way, it takes care of us. I don't know if that ugly wall of suburbia's been put there to stop them getting in, or us getting out.

Oh they can be such a rough mob out there. But other than that, only going for a few days. Flying up on Queens Birthday long weekend (how apt). About a month off yet. Going to the nearest airport, which is still a 3 hour drive away from his place. WTF? Good grief, I shall tremble in fear without the city to protect me! Fuck knows how I'm going to go in some little plane either, haven't flown in years.

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