Monday 31 May 2010

OMG what a long Monday it has been

Good grief....

Bad enough being Monday, but had the Blood Pressure Pill trial people to see afterwards. This whole thing is through my HIV GP on Oxford St, rather a hike from my work on public transport (I did however manage to get 3 beers in between waiting for buses and appts). By the time I was out of there, got the blood pressure prescription at chemist across the road, and bus home, it was nearly bloody 7pm! 

Oh the sacrifices I make for modern medicine darlings! I mean FFS, the other week I got an ECG heart thing done for it, they had to shave patches of my chest hair to make some of the sticker things stick. I looked dreadfully ill for a couple of weeks there, like my fuckin chest hair had started falling out in patches. To embarrassed to go out anywhere looking like that. Eeck!

Today I got some good news, and some sort of "meh" news. It appears I have dangerously high BP! *gasp*..... whatever..... Just give me the pills to fix it ok? Meh....

The good news that after the blood they took and analysed, along with the question-air (that I again sacrificed my time to do on top of getting a patchy chest shave) I'm at very low risk of heart disease. Just fabulous darlings! Actually, I think it's more like another "meh" moment, but oh well, at least I'm avoiding total and catastrophic doom. BTW fuck knows how they come up with that strange bit of analysis. Perhaps because I don't smoke, or drink copiously anymore? *hick*

Have high cholesterol.... meh, whatever.... I am 48 you know. 

WTF do people expect me to have the blood pressure, cholesterol, liver functions, un-wrinkled skin, etc etc, of a bloody 17 year old bloke who hasn't even been infected with HIV? Sheesh! Whatever...... Just tell me when I have to do something to avoid hospital ok? Pretty much all I care about at the moment.

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