Monday, 19 March 2012

Bank gets heavy

Been stressing since Friday after getting a letter from the bank (the asshole one that has been dragged kicking and screaming to cooperate). They've refused to offer an extension to the compassionate period or whatever it's called, and want to have the money owing paid in full within 30 days. They have however made an offer of a debt settlement of only 70% of the debt, being about $17,000. 

It doesn't make any difference if it's $17,000 or $24,000, I still can't pay it. I mean what do they expect me to do, pull the money out of thin air. I haven't got it, simple as that. You can't get blood out of a stone. I have no assets, nothing except what's in my Superannuation. 

I'm still waiting for that to run it's course. The specialist HIV doctor has written another letter (the third one) which I've forwarded to the $guru. Hopefully this will satisfy the bureaucracy in Canberra and finally I will have the money to settle all this from my Super. It's not my fault (as the bank implies) that it's been 5 months going through all this. Tell it to the faceless people in some gov office playing around with my life.

Thge $guru has emailed me earlier today saying not to worry about court action by the bank if they do go down that path. As long as we are doing everything possible to resolve the matter, then there shouldn't be a problem. 

I don't understand the banks strategy anyway. If they force me into bankrupty they won't get a cent, let alone $17,000.  


  1. I know its rough and the last thing you really want to hear from anyone is that it will be ok or things will work out. I don't know about u but I want to sock people that say that even though I know their heart is in the right place. My advice to you is to keep doing what you are doing because it is all that you can do. Its hard not to stress when things are sucking but at the same time its pointless to let the stress of things that you cant change break you.

  2. Thanks for that very good advice mate. I neglected to say in yesterday's post that I also saw my psychologist yesterday. He advised that as I was doing all I could then it was a mistake to stress about things I had no control over. Basically if I go bankrupt, I go bankrupt. That's life. I'll deal with it if it happens.

    The good news is that the asshole bank has capitulated today and agreed to wait until the results of the application for early release of my Superannuation funds. I dunno where I'd be without the financial advisor who is negotiating everything on my behalf. Thank you BGF (link on the side bar).
