Wednesday 28 March 2012

Lost in the music

I haven't been able to have the song that I posted the video of yesterday, stop in my head. In fact it has consumed me today; the words, the understanding. ... It's to the credit of the artists who took part in the song that it has gone to my core. They have described my situation of late precisely, and have expressed the mood involved even in the music itself. 

I've always liked Pink Floyd, but it's been much of their earlier work which has gotten my attention. Dark Side of the Moon, and Wish You Were Here. The Wall. After Roger Waters left I thought it was just sort of farting around without all of them together to inspire each other in the creative process. But now it's like this album is something that I've never listened to before. It has such huge meaning for me now. Such a message for life. It's like they walked into my head and wrote shit about it. I've listened to it on the sound thingo tonight instead of the MP3 player. There's something about a room being filled with music that is entirely different than listening with earplugs, no matter how good they are.

I'm on a ride. A music ride. Am going through the motions of work and living, but right now I'm consumed by their music and the ideas they have bought up in that album, The Division Bell. 

I dunno where this ride is taking me. I've just got on it to see where I go. An artist that works in such a way as Pink Floyd will no doubt recognise my condition right now. But I'm on this journey alone. Right now this music and where it might take me is everywhere. Daily living is just an emotion to go through. A predictable one. Nothing to worry about. The emotions stirred in me by this music aren't normal but of a landmark nature. I will be changed by this experience, I'm just not sure exactly how. This is big.

My life is about experience.....

This also off the same album. An instrumental called Marooned. Haven't looked into it yet, but to me right now this music expresses how I feel in those times that I was isolated from the community. Those times when the pain was so bad that all I could do was sit at home with the curtains shut for the whole day, too horrified and scared to leave. Sitting alone, no TV on, staring into space, paralysed emotionally and physically. Marooned on an island not of my choosing. This instrumental captures that mood, that feeling, perfectly.

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