Tuesday 13 March 2012

Escaped the needle of death

Picture from the brink:

Took this this morning. Hard to tell if she's improving as I've been so close to the situation. She's still very weak and all. Managed to get some wet food into her, just sort of opened her mouth and put it in. She chewed it and swallowed but looked pretty pissed off with me holding her mouth open to get it in there. Still not eating or drinking on her own. 

Came very close to the needle of death yesterday. I told the vet straight out when I went there that she was obviously very unhappy and extremely ill, and that I'd rather have her euthanised than see her suffering like that. Felt terrible for her yesterday when she spewed badly, she was sitting there on the chair with her tongue going in and out, as the spew was all over her face and neck as well as down the chair and floor. Poor thing. Looked at a total loss. It was only that the vet talked me out of it and came up with other possibilities that I held back. 

I can't believe now I'm giving her prescription pills. It's pretty hard, have never given cats a pill before. I have to as she's not eating and I can't crush it into her food. Vet showed me how to open her mouth and put it far down as I can for her to swallow it. Good grief, a cat with a bloody prescription FFS! *Sheesh* Never a dull moment around here. If it's not me it's her.

Anyway will see how these pills work. The appetite one is Prednisole, which I had last year when I was sick. Made me quite hungry all the time, and put back on the 10 kilos I lost pretty quickly. Can't believe now I'm giving it to the cat. Would've never happened on the farm when I was young. I dunno, these city cats have a pampered life don't they?

Hope it does all work of course. She's been with me through thick and thin. Was the only one there with me at home when I nearly topped myself in 2009. Cats seem to have a sixth sense, she knows when I'm upset.  

1 comment:

  1. oh thank goodness. i'm so glad she didn't have to be put down. i would so hate it if i had to do that to my boys. i would die.
    and yes cats and dogs have sixth and maybe even seventh senses. they can sense your emotion. and they can sense spirits. :) this is true.
