Sunday 25 March 2012

Not well

I've not been well for nearly a week now. Not massively sick, but the sort of steady drip drip drip that over time is like some sort of mild torture. Sore throat, aching muscles, head and back ache, running nose. Feeling cold all the time today as autumn is here now and it's a cloudy day with no sun. 

Not feeling much like eating but trying to do so. Got on the scales this morning for the first time in a while and weight seems OK, haven't particularly lost anything. Although yesterday I had diarrhoea. It can be hard for me sometimes to keep weight on when I go through a period like this of feeling constantly sick. Yesterday I made a quite good tuna thing, just with pasta and peas and various sorts of flavouring with it. A simple thing. Had some New Zealand cheese with it.

Work last week was a bit of a struggle. Wouldn't you know it, the first 4 day week in months and of course I have to get sick for it. FFS. I survived though. Still got some of the painkillers left from the Shingles, the ones that stopped the pain signals going to the brain. Have been having one of them in the morning before work. They still make me rather vacant in the head though, but I guess I'm not actually thinking when I'm working. It's all very repetitive and boring. 

Am glad of the 4 days off now and not back at work until Wed. Dept head suggested that last week after he'd been talking with HR about me.

Have been up for a bit today and done some washing and dishes. Going back to bed for a while, take some headache pills I think. Maybe read for a bit.    

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