Saturday 17 March 2012

Life with no pet

Never realised just how involved home life was with puss. She certainly was an integral part of the household. Not wanting to get another one as I doubt a kitten growing up would be suited to where I'm living now. Unless maybe if there was a cat that was happy to just live inside. The car park out the back it'd likely get run over very quickly. 

Got up yesterday and today and no puss jumping on the bed to say hello. She used to like getting patted as I sat there waking up and taking my morning pills. Come over and rub her head against me. Even if I was still in bed on the weekends she'd come right up to my face and rub against it. A bit annoying early in the morning. So I'd pat her to fend her off. After a few years she started putting her paw on my face if I stopped patting her in the mornings, like "come on keep going". I'd pat her and she'd take the paw away.

We were very close the cat and I. She used to like being right next to me as well on top of the blankets, and have her belly rubbed. She'd turn her head purring like mad and look at me in appreciation. Then go back to basking in the belly rub. 

Washed her cat feeding bowls this morning for the last time and put them away in a top cupboard. You never know I might use them again one day. Must say I shed a few tears doing it. She'd spent her whole life eating out of those bowls so they were very personal to her. Cleaned the plastic litter box as well. Put it all the the cupboard, along with the cat biscuits and cans left over. Simon's little dog I'm sure will be happy to devour them. 

Printed out a picture from the new printer this morning. Will get a frame and put it on the shelf. Next to the pictures of the other dead people :s

I guess it's going to be easier at least when going away. Won't need to organise anyone to look after it while I'm gone. Will still miss her a lot though. She was such a loving cat and so helpful when I was on the verge of suicide. Won't ever forget this little darling. 


  1. If down the track you decide you would like another feline companion I can highly recommend the shelter at kogarah. I got my best mate from there 3 years ago and he was 3 at the time. I didn't want a kitten and the staff said that they find it harder to find homes for the older ones as most people want a cute baby kitten.
    My heart really goes out to you both. I would be devistated if anything happened to my puss.

  2. Thanks for that mate (is tha x a kiss or a "Mr x"?). I'll remember that in the future sometime if I ever go about it. Yes I do think it'd be easier if it wasn't a kitten as where we used to live it had a small enclosed backyard, but not here.

    I think cats are underated my a lot of dog owners for their intelligence. I don't think they're stupid at all, just very different.
