Friday, 7 June 2013

Greens launch new video - equality

Not sure who to vote for in the Senate this federal election. I usually vote for the only sane people in Canberra, being the Greens. This time however there's the new Wikileaks party and I'd love to vote for them. This is the new video from the Greens for marriage equality. Something that I don't see any other party doing. Perhaps different sections of society here will also want to make this an issue, like GetUp and the like? 

Dunno what the story will be after the election Sept. Looks like we're going to end up with a bunch of far right zealots in power and even less representative of Australian society. It's worth noting though that gay marriage goes across the political spectrum and isn't particularly a conservative or leftie issue. Tony Abbott's sister for example is lesbian, and is calling for her brother to allow his party a conscience vote in a marriage equality vote: 
Opposition leader Tony Abbott’s lesbian sister has announced her desire for her brother to allow a conscience vote within the Federal coalition on marriage equality. 

Speaking at a Liberal National Party (LNP) fundraiser in Brisbane, Christine Forster, a Liberal councillor for the City of Sydney, declared her wish for her brother to allow a conscience vote within the Coalition – or at least to open a debate on the issue. 

When asked about a recent Roy Morgan poll indicating 79 per cent of the Australian public would be in favour of Abbott allowing a conscience vote on marriage equality, and the increasing number of conservative politicans speaking out in favour of equality, Forster said that it was time for a shift in thinking. more

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